Hi guys,. For the people who dont know me. I am the COO of TrustSwap. Just to clarify:.
10 Jul 2023, 21:01
Hi guys,
For the people who dont know me. I am the COO of TrustSwap.
Just to clarify:
Jeff did not leave the company Jeff is the Chairman. The Chairman is a higher position than the CEO. A Chairman is in fact the highest position in a company. TrustSwap will benefit from having an experienced CEO that will help the company scale from 10 to 100.
Jeff did a great job to get the company from 1-10 and now we think that the company will be better off by getting someone with more experience to take care of the day-to-day management and operations.
TrustSwap did not have a Chairman before which is a very important role that we wanted to give Jeff.
"A CEO is hired and fired by the board of directors of a company. This gives the chairman of the board power over the CEO. If a board feels that a CEO is not performing at acceptable levels, they can fire the CEO and replace them with a new one."
"The chairman is typically the head of the board of directors, while the CEO is the highest-ranking executive in the company. The chairman is responsible for overseeing the overall direction and strategy of the company, while the CEO is responsible for the day-to-day management and operations."
We will create a blog post with the next steps and we also plan to do an AMA shortly as well.
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2TrustSwapSWAP #929
10 Jul 2023, 23:55
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